Liebe Gäste, leider ist es wieder soweit, wir sind in der Winterpause.
Somit ist der Minigolfplatz ab 01.10.2024 vorübergehend geschlossen! DANKE, an alle unsere Gäste 2024, wir freuen uns Euch 2025 begrüßen zu dürfen.
miniGOLF for senior player
Mini golf as a senior sport and pastime provides the ideal opportunity for seniors of all ages
(even players over 90 years of age) who want to keep their musculoskeletal system and physical coordination going to have some fun.
Minigolf demands a lot of skill and concentration from the player, and the psyche is also strengthened by exercise in the fresh air
in the countryside. Minigolf is played millions of times a year in Germany.
Minigolf can be played by anyone without much effort, cost or membership and can be learned in seconds. The journey from Hamburg is very easy.
But even without mini golf, you can enjoy an ice cream or a delicious coffee on our terrace, surrounded by horse stables and green areas.